Rose Whelan, a struggling slayer known primarily as “Minx” for reasons she rarely has the patience to give, has managed to find herself a new place in the city. It’s a comfortable size, near lots of fun spots, walking distance from areas she has to patrol for her extra unofficial and underpaid “job,” and surprisingly affordable. 

It’s also a sanctuary for magical creatures who aren’t too pleased to see her there…


Based on a for-fun roleplay between the creators that started way back in 2018, “For Haven’s Sake” follows the chaotic collection of characters populating the strange not-so-little apartment building Minx has moved into through the aftermath of her arrival and beyond. The story covers a series of varying events, ranging from slice of life, mysteries, interludes of horror and high fantasy, and general magical shenanigans as characters get to know one another and uncover what more lies under the circumstances that brought them together.

Pages will be regular, yet infrequent in amount, as this is an endeavor approached purely as a labor of love and enthusiasm for the stories we’ve done together over the last six years (and counting). Subscribers can expect no less than one page per week, barring IRL roadblocks, and other areas of the site will be updated monthly at minimum with character info, lore, and extra art for the series.